
Showing posts from March, 2021

Safe Sleep for Baby

Safe Sleep for Baby 1/10 Safe Sleep for Your Baby Your baby needs sleep. And so do you. You’ll both sleep easier if you know what the sleep risks are, and how best to keep your little one safe while they slumber. 2/10 Sleeping Risks All babies under 1 year old are at risk for sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), especially those younger than 6 months. It has been called crib death because it occurs while baby is sleeping in the crib. It isn’t caused by an infection or a medication, and it can’t be spread. It’s listed as the cause of death if there’s no other explanation. Certain things increase the chances of it. These include: • Premature birth • Exposure to alcohol or drugs before birth • Exposure to smoking before or after birth • Infection • It’s unclear if having a sibling who died of SIDS increases the risk. • Sometimes a baby’s airway becomes blocked while they sleep. This can lead to sudden unexpected infant death (SUID).   3/10 Room Sha...